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Milk Kefir: Fermented Milk for Lactose Intolerant Children

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Lactose Intolerance can be Common in Growing Children

Often times, these children suffer Vitamin D deficiency, and may be more prone to develop bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

The detrimental health effects in the long-term can be damaging, and lead on to other health issues.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

So if your Child is experiencing any form of minor/major Lactose Intolerance, let's dive together into further details of:

What is Lactose Intolerant

The 3 Types of Lactose Intolerance; and

Some helpful recommendations to help you right away.

[BONUS] For Participation by Lactose Intolerant Individuals
Complete a Short Questionnaire to Claim your FREE $20 Store Credit. Questionnaire link at bottom of quiz. Eligible participants only, please read terms & conditions that apply. 

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose Intolerance is a condition where an individual's small intestine does not produce at all (or not enough) lactase - an enzyme that is required to digest lactose which is a type of sugar mainly found in dairy products such as cows milk.

Low intestinal lactase activity results in a significant amount of lactose being left behind, which is then fermented by the residing bacteria causing bloating and gas. Other symptoms can include nausea, diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.


The 3 Types of Lactose Intolerance

Type 1: Primary Lactose Intolerance (due to ageing)

It is normal to have reduced ability to produce lactase as we age. As we mature, we start to consume a variety of foods and rely less on milk and do not need as much lactase.

Our bodies then produce a lesser amount of lactase. A sudden introduction of dairy products after a long hiatus can also result in us experiencing Lactose Intolerant symptoms.

Type 2: Secondary Lactose Intolerance (due to illness or injury)

Diseases associated with Secondary Lactose Intolerance include intestinal infection, celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth and Crohn's disease.

Treatment of these underlying illness can restore our bodies ability to produce lactase and improve Lactose Intolerant symptoms.

Type 3:
Congenital (born with) or Developmental Lactose Intolerance

Sometimes, Lactose Intolerant can be inherited.

The defective gene is passed down from the parent to the child.

This results in a complete absence of lactase in the child and is known as Congenital Lactose Intolerance.

Babies born with Congenital Lactose Intolerance are unable to tolerate human milk or any milk that contains lactose, and this is likely to follow them throughout their entire life.

Developmental Lactose Intolerance can also be caused when a baby is born prematurely.

Lactase production only begins at week-34 gestation. Developmental Lactose Intolerance can be temporary and will improve as the baby’s small intestine mature.

People with Lactose intolerance may be at particularly increased risk of low vitamin D status which may lead to suboptimal bone health, increased illness and infections, impaired wound healing and even muscle pain.

Dr. Donald Hensrud, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, says, "The findings in this study are not surprising because dairy products (primarily milk) that contain lactose are fortified with vitamin D and one of the primary sources of vitamin D for many people."

Guidelines on Suitable Amount of Lactose Intake

Depending on the types of Lactose Intolerant one has, Lactose Intolerant individuals can tolerate either a small amount of lactose or absolutely no lactose in their diet.

According to SFA guideline, foods that are considered low lactose and can be well-tolerated by Lactose Intolerant Individuals have to be lower than 2.5g of lactose per 100ml. 

Recommendations on TGF products with Lactose Intolerant

To help your Child avoid Vitamin D deficiency and conditions related to this, we highly recommend the TGF Milk Kefir.

*Results tested by SETSCO, a Singapore Accredited Laboratory. More information can be found here.

Below are some excellent benefits of the TGF Milk Kefir:

Benefit #1. Our milk kefir is certified to contain only 2.42g of lactose per 100ml. 

Benefit #2. Our milk kefir itself also contains many digestive enzymes such as lipase (digest fat), protease (digest proteins) and lactase that can further digest any remaining lactose. 

Benefit #3. Our milk kefir is an excellent source of Vitamin D. This is highly beneficial for Lactose Intolerant individuals as well.

A research in 2010 has shown that a Lactose Intolerant individual can tolerate up to 12g of lactose at once or 24g of lactose spread out across the day.

With this data, Lactose Intolerant individuals can safely consume our organic milk kefir in 250ml glass bottle or 2 bottles (250ml each) of kefir smoothie per day.

TGF kefir soft cheese (as a bread spread), TGF lacto-fermented oats (one-fifth of 500ml), cacao banana lacto-fermented oats, berries mama jar and a fathers’ bowl are also the recommended products for lactose intolerant.

As a bonus, if you are lactose intolerant or know of anyone who is, we are giving away a FREE $20 store credit upon completion of the below questionnaire (until 31 Mar 2022).


Click here to Access Short Questionnaire.

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